As we know, the first season of Boy Meets World was a very different animal than the rest of the series. One notable difference is the assistant manager of Alan's grocery store, Leonard Spinelli. Lenny always introduced himself to various members of the Matthews family, only for them to remind him that they knew him. Eventually, poor Lenny admitted he was afraid that he would be forgotten.
It turns out, Leonard Spinelli had a real reason to be concerned.
Despite us knowing that Lenny has worked for Alan for years, after one season he went the way of Cory and Shawn's third friend. Leonard Spinelli was never seen again.
Or was he?
For three years, Leonard Spinelli bided his time, knowing he could get back into the Matthews family's good graces. For some reason, during this time, he changed his name to Mervyn. Then, when Alan became the owner of an outdoors shop, he had real opportunity. He became a customer of the store before becoming one of the respondants to Alan's help wanted sign. He lost out on the job to mountain man Ezekial. Mervyn decided to load up on mountain climbing gear before he walked off into the sunset.
Legend is that he fell off the mountain but somehow didn't die. The experience led to him finding God. He threw himself into his religious studies and became an ordained minister.
Three years after his mountain man attempt, by some happy miracle, he got to marry Cory and Topanga. He had come to peace with the fact that he had been forgotten by the Matthews, but he now knew he would be remembered. He was never seen again.
Or was he?
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