
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Girl Meets World: August Maturo Participates in On Set Toy Donation

Okay, guys, I know my updates have been sporadic as of late. That's because of a combination of not too much going on right now (and possibly absolutely nothing going on around the holidays) and me being the tiniest bit lazy. I can admit it. I haven't been coming up with topics or researching leads the way I should be - but I need to save something for off-season. Anyway, let's get to the actual reason for the update:
Do good indeed. I've mentioned I'm from Southern California, so I can explain the finer details - I'm pretty sure everyone grasps the basic idea of a toy drive. Spark of Love is sponsored by ABC 7 (the LA ABC) and Fire Departments all over Southern California to collect toys for children in need. I mean, it's seriously not just LA - five SoCal counties participate.  This is Spark of Love's ninth year.

If you want more information on Spark of Love, you can view that here. Congrats to Girl Meets World for participating, and everyone who remembers to do good this holiday season.


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