This is actually an older article, but
Entertainment Weekly did an interview with Rowan Blanchard way back in February, where she reveals she almost lost the role of Riley Matthews due to her age - remember, she was 11 when they filmed the pilot. With all the positive feedback coming from the cast and the fans that went to the first taping, I bet they're glad they changed their mind and cast her anyway. In the interview, she also reveals that she's the same as Riley, even though she does mention one difference. Considering that Ben Savage has said he's like Cory, except he likes his hair in real life, this is confidence building. You should check out the interview.
And while I have your attention anyway,
starting Monday, December 2,
Boy Meets World will be coming on from 3-5 pm instead of 2-4 pm on ABC Family - so don't freak out when you tune in at 2 and
Reba is on, okay?
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